Management Interface Page: Carbon Footprint


This page displays carbon footprint indicators from the system. These indicators can be used in the scope of EU CSRD reporting or your own CSR and ESG policies.


Since last reboot

The top section of the page shows accumulated metrics since last reboot of the solution:


Aggregated carbon footprint

The bottom section of the page presents 4 tabs with aggregated carbon footprint values for this hour, today, this month, and this year. The values presented include some Scope 1, Scope 2, and Scope 3 emissions based on latest scientific reports, available lifecycle assessments, and other governmental studies and sources. The computations are preserved across system reboot and account for offline time.



The aggregated carbon footprint is computed in real time based on heuristics and various reported and estimated factors. In order to provide meaningful yet understandable metrics, some assumptions are made regarding key influence factors. You can access and modify those using the settings button on top right of the page. Modifications are reflected directly.


It is essential to acknowledge that the final numbers can only provide a fair estimate of carbon emissions. The objective is thus to use those indicators as a reporting tool and continuous improvement monitoring. Given the versatility of tasks and workloads, care must be taken when comparing different installations of the system.